Monday, February 16, 2009

My first entry

Random Cori. It's what a friend called me when we were young twenty something guys. It sounded close enough to 'Randall Cori' and was fairly accurate. Thirty years later the only thing that's changed is that being called random doesn't bother me. I never liked being random or being called random... but eventually I shrugged and accepted it the way you accept a stray dog. It's not pedigreed, it's not the pick of the litter and it's not even the kind of dog that would be your second or one hundred and second choice... but it hangs around, keeps you company and at some point you realize you're stuck with it it with you.
I learned that randomness without order is chaos and lostness. I also learned that randomness with order (but not too much order mind you) can bring peace and happiness as well as more money and success.
My one regret is that I believe that my tendency towards shying from order was and still sometimes is, the cause of some chaos in my life (and the life of those I've loved and cared for).
To those who might read this (as well as my other entries) either while I live or after I'm gone, please know that my intent was and is to allow enough order (by the grace of God) to glorify Him as well as make life a little easier and better for those in my life now or later.

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